Important handouts!

There will be several important handouts coming home the first week. Some of them require your signature and should be reviewed with your child. Thank you!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week of September 29 - October 3


This week is going to be a little off the normal schedule due to the third grade field trips. Mr. Leintz's class will go to the Sundance Center on Monday, Mrs. Staffileno's class on Tuesday and Mrs. McMorris's class on Thursday. Due to the constant change in classes my reading kids will not have a spelling list.

Reading - We will read The Trial of Cardigan Jones on the days that we are all here. All reading kids are working towards 10 points for the first quarter in AR. The quarter ends November 7th.

Math - We continue with place value.

Science - Our study continues with life cycles of plants, frogs, birds and humans.


Monday - Music
Tuesday - Field trip
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Music
Friday - Library

Mrs. Staffileno

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week of Sept. 24


There is no school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Wednesday is an early out.

Reading - We will start the story The Trial of Cardigan Jones. Your child will bring home a copy of the story that they will read to you. Please sign and return it the next day! So many of you did that perfectly last week!

Math - We will work on expanded form.

Science - Life cycles

No spelling this week due to it being so short!


Wednesday - Music

Thursday - Library

Friday Health

Have a happy long weekend!

Mrs. Staffileno

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week of September 15 - 19


Wow! The past week flew by. We worked so hard and the kids are adjusting well. We have learned a lot of new rules and procedures that the children keep practicing and are getting good at!

Here's a look at what's coming up for this week!

Reading - We are reading the story A Fine, Fine School. The story will be sent home for your child to read if they are in my reading class. We are working on writing letter, compare and contrast and comprehension.

Math - We are working on rounding and estimating sums.

Science - We continue our plant unit. We will do 2 experiments this week. One will be how water travels through a stem. The other will be dissecting flower parts and learn their names.

Spelling words for the week of Sept. 15:
weekend, because, of, friend, really, very, the, played,they, and was.
These are commonly misspelled so we will practice them all week. The test will be on Friday.

Specials for the week:
Monday - Library
Tuesday - Health
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Library
Friday - P.E.

Keep selling coupon books and bringing in box tops!!!!

Mrs. Staffileno

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Weeks of Sept. 2 and Sept. 8

Hello and welcome to the new school year!

We are off to a super start! Here's what's happening!!

We have started off the new year by reviewing rules in the classroom and the hallways. With the new addition and playground, things have been a bit confusing for all of us but it is going well.

Reading - We read the story Chuka's Hawk. The kids will do some extensions with hawks the next two weeks that will include poetry, parts of speech, drawing, and research. This is a unit that the kids really enjoy.

Math - We just finish taking a beginning of the year test so that we can see what the children remember from second grade. We will start with place value on Monday .

Science - We just started our plant unit. The children have been carefully observing seeds, sorting them and showing measurements. We will study plants, life cycles and food chains for 6 weeks.

Early out is Wednesday, Sept. 10


Sept. 2 Library
Sept. 3 P.E.
Sept. 4 Music
Sept. 5 Library
Sept. 8 Health
Sept. 9 Music
Sept. 10 Library
Sept. 11 P.E.
Sept. 12 Music

Thank you! Mrs. Staffileno