Important handouts!

There will be several important handouts coming home the first week. Some of them require your signature and should be reviewed with your child. Thank you!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week of March 18 -22

Hello! In reading class we are still working on our chapter book called Polar Bears and the Arctic. Math classes are nearing an end with our fraction unit. Spelling words for the week are: buy, Friday, fly, kind, why, child, mind, try, behind, sky, cry, high, right, by, light, and night. I realize that last weeks words were hard. Your child will bring home last week's test in their Tuesday folder. Please help them study any missed words so that they are successful with them this week. Early out on Wednesday due to conferences from 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Thank you! Mrs. Staffileno

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week of March 11

Dear Parents, We are almost finished with testing. Tuesday is our last day with 2 math tests. Spelling - polar, bear, Arctic, Arctic Ocean, harsh, weather, animals, permafrost, tundra, equator, orbit, Inuit, Eskimos, caribou, parka, dogsled, kayak, and umiak. The spelling words are different this week as they follow a chapter book that we are reading in class about polar bears. We will spend two weeks on this book. Have a good week!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week of March 4

Hello! The week of testing has finally arrived. We have been practicing for three weeks to get the kids ready and feeling confident. The first day of testing went well. The kids seemed very rested and energized. The spelling words for the week are: October, shop, block, bottle, o'clock, sorry, socks, problem, jog, what, wash, was, clock, bottom, forgot, and body. Our next early out is March 20 at which time spring parent - teacher conferences will be held. You will be notified if a conference is needed. Mrs. STaffileno